Trainspotting – Renton’s dream in relation to Iliad 10


Renton’s detox dream in trainspotting is an actualisation dream triggered by the guilt of his heroin addiction killing a baby, in this fantastical dream sequence which features the baby above him to indicate how his guilt is constantly looming over his head. This is similar to the dream in the Iliad where the son of Tydeus goes on a killing spree that had previously been dreamt about. The guilt of murder being portrayed is featured in this dream as “he stripped the sweetness of life from him as he lay breathing heavily; for a bad dream (onar) stood over his head in the night, the son of Oeneus’ son”, in this case we also see the guilt looming with Onar stood over the dreamer’s head. This was a common place for Onar to be situated during bad dreams, and is a recurring feature in this dream trope of lucid dreaming which is a modernised version of actualised dreams.

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