Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix – Harry’s dream in relation to Iliad 2


In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry has dreams throughout the film, due to his connection to the series antagonist Voldemort. In particular harry has a false dream in which he sees his godfather Sirius Black being tortured, this is a false dream. The use of false dreams is also featured in the Iliad, more specifically the dream where Zeus persuades Agamemnon to attack Troy. Both Voldemort and Zeus are conscious of crafting these false dreams in order to get the protagonist to do their bidding. In the Iliad Zeus commands “Go forth, evil Dream” reflecting he is aware that this dream will cause chaos and have a negative affect on Agamemnon, similarly in Harry Potter Voldemort is aware showing harry these images of Sirius Black being tortured will lead him into an attack. Therefore, in both dreams the antagonists are using the manipulation tactics of false dreams to lead their protagonists into a trap. Moreover, in both of these false dreams the antagonist knows that many will be affected by this. “Bid him arm the flowing-haired

Achaeans for battle in all haste; since now he might take the wide-wayed city of the Trojans.” Is the command given by Zeus showing that it is a full-scale battle he wants to get through this attack, in the case of Voldemort, he knows Harry going to meet and battle him will bring the Order of the Phoenix, whom he hopes to eliminate as they are the main group opposing him. In both cases the use of false dream is used for the creator’s benefit.

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