The Big Lebowski – The Dude’s dream in relation to Atossa (Aeschylus Persians)
The Dude’s dream in the Big Lebowski is a symbolic
dream showing how his life is going to change and become a lot harder and more
dangerous, this is portrayed by the dream starting with the Dude being praised
and surrounded by bowling paraphernalia which is his favourite hobby and main
life ambition throughout the film, however,
this dream then turns sour and nightmarish when he begins to be chased
by giant scissors showing his fear of the gang he has found himself mixed up
with. This transformation from dream to nightmare is also seen in the Queen’s
dream in Aeschylus Persians, as the dream starts with compliments such as “my
Queen, a light as brilliant as that which shines in the eyes of the gods” but
swiftly transitions to the news of her and her cities downfall; “How all your
great prosperity has been destroyed in a single blow”. This is used in both
instances to show the quick downfall that our protagonists will meet and
emphasises their lack of expectation of their downfall prior to the dream.