O’ Brother Where Art Thou – A modern retelling of The Odyssey


Owing to O’ Brother where Art Thou being a modern retelling of the Odyssey the story is the same however, the way they modernise the characters is very interesting. The original dream that Odysseus has warns him about his perilous journey home to Ithea, is similar to that in O Brother Where Art Thou, as Odysseus goes to the oracle who prophesises his tricky way home, this is done through the blind man’s prophecy in O Brother Where Art Thou. This is a clever way of doing a modern retelling as, despite the protagonist in the Coen Brothers film not having a
dream, the blind man appears to them by chance after missing their easier route home, just as the dream appears to Odysseus. Both their treacherous tales are foreseen through different methods to reflect the differences of the modern and ancient settings. 

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