
Showing posts from 2022

‘An exploration into the ways Epic dreams of the Ancient world similar to dreams featured in Modern Media?’

Shutter Island – Teddy Daniel’s Visitation in relation to Iliad 24

The Big Lebowski – The Dude’s dream in relation to Atossa (Aeschylus Persians)

Grease – Frenchie’s dream in relation to Odyssey 4

Trainspotting – Renton’s dream in relation to Iliad 10

Inception – Modern Epic dream looking particularly at Iliad 2

O’ Brother Where Art Thou – A modern retelling of The Odyssey

Stand By Me – Gordie’s dream in relation to Odyssey 9

American Psycho – Patrick Bateman’s daydreams in relation to Odyssey 14

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix – Harry’s dream in relation to Iliad 2

Star Wars Episode III- Anakin’s dream in relation to Aeschylus Libation Bearers (Part 2)